The Sadowski Housing Trust Fund

Showing that this nation has become aware that affordability is a major factor when it comes to housing considerations, I’d like to bring forth the assumption that the Sadowski Housing Trust Fund will be an impact when the effects of keeping americans housed is attentioned.

The William E. Sadowski Affordable Housing Fund is brought to mind as the aid of Floridians is sought.

The Sadowski Affordable Housing Fund was established 15 years ago to provide a steady, reliable stream of revenue for programs designed to help low- and moderate-income workers secure housing they can afford. It is named in memory of the late Florida Community Affairs Secretary Bill Sadowski, whose department oversaw local growth-management plans throughout the state and served as the state’s housing agency. Sadowski, then 48, was killed in a plane crash in 1992.

Under the assumption that governmental regulation is the key to success in the effort to over-come the status of bankruptcy when the consideration of housing programs is focused, it seems that a program as the Sadowski Affodable Housing Fund could keep the state from becoming a burden of further foreclosure assumptions.

If the State and Local Housing Trust Funds are not reauthorized, Florida will no longer have a dedicated revenue source for affordable housing. The future of all state and local housing programs are at risk, and the thousands of hard working, elderly, and disabled Floridians who need those programs may receive no assistance at a point in time where assistance is an important impact amongst the people of this american society.

The trust fund’s structure is simple and logical. A small portion of revenue from a tax on real estate transactions went into the fund. As housing and land prices rise, so do the amount of money for loans and other aid. Knowing this, why is the effort of such a affordable housing program as such being over-looked by the legislation system?

When the bill was first introduced, legislators had appropriated $400 million for affordable housing. A reasonable revenue that could keep the state of Florida from seeing the true effects of the economic crisis in the foreclosure collapse that the nation is undergoing and trying to reason with as of now.

Low-income and affordable housing programs as such seem to keep the efforts of the state focused on what is important, being that financial situations need to be keep at the front of what is considerable as this nations financial market is being affected by laziness and confusion.

To date, this program has helped more than 130,000 families buy a home. At the height of the trust fund success, Gov. Bush initially opposed reauthorizing the fund. He claimed that recent dramatic increases in home prices and the resulting increase in property tax revenue funneled too much money into the affordable housing trust funds, and he believed more of it should be spent on other worthy state programs. Why? The Sadowski Affordable Trust Fund seems to keep the American dream with-in an arms reach and the state wants to turn that fact sour. This seems like the time to bring forth reasonable consideration to make an impact with the Sadowski Affordable Housing Trust Fund once again.

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